Childhood is one of the most significant periods of human life. It is full of emotions, searches and discoveries, unforgettable minutes and feelings. It is the period of formation of personal psychical, spiritual and physical powers. Child’s body is rapidly growing and mature, physical activity increases. A child is active and irrepressible, full of new energy and always seeking to dive into cognitive secrets. Sometimes parents are worried because of the increased activity of a child and abundance of emotions.
What to do if the anger of a child becomes uncontrollable? If his actions are uncontrollable? What do child’s tears “say”? Why does he no longer wish to play with others? Does not want to go to kindergarten or school?
We can always try to find the answers together.
- I consult children (collaborating with parents/ guardians) – seeking to overcome communication and emotional difficulties (anxiety, fear, stress) and psychological crisis;
- I carry out psychodiagnostic tests, assessing the reasons of educational difficulties.
Remember that children learn from Your actions, not words…